
Showing posts from February, 2021

Happy Independence day 2023.Top -10 Heartwarming wishes..

Happy independence day top -10 wishes... ●May the Spirit of Patriotism and Love For Our Country Lead you Towords A Brighter  Future..Happy Independence Day  ●Let Us Honour The Struggles of Many Brave Hearts Who Fought For The Country's Freedom..Happy Independence Day.. ●Vande Matram:- Thousands Laid Down Their Lives So That Our Country is Breathing This Day.. Never Forgot Their Sacrifice Happy Independence Day.. ● No Amount Of Money Can Give The Happiness That Freedom Does.. Long live Our Nation. Happy Independence Day.. ●Let's Celebrate  Freedom  By Promoting A Human Rights Culture  In Which Respect, Dign, And Equality  Become A Code For Living.  This Will Be Our Rile To Live Up To The Drems Of 1947 Happy Independence day... ●Let be Freedom  In Mind. Soul & Body. Faith in your words & Pride in your Nature.. Happy Independence Day... ●Freedom in The Mind  Strength in The Words Pride in Our Souls Zeal in Our Hearts Let's  Salute Our Great Country on Indep

How to create LinkedIn account

 STEP 1 Install LinkedIn aap  STEP 2 Type your first and last name  Enter your email address and password  STEP 3 You must  use your True name  Accept terms and conditions Click join now.. Completed other steps...

How to create yahoo mail account

 STEP 1  Going to STEP 2  Click Sing up account. Enter your Name age. Gender. And date of birth  Step 3 Now click continue button and  create yahoo mail account. STEP 4 Next enter your number for verification your account Step 5 Yahoo sent you verification code . Copy and paste that code .and verify your account Now your yahoo mail account is ready.

How to create what's aap account

 STEP 1 Install what's aap in Google play store STEP 2 Agree terms and conditions Step 3 Register :: Select your country and add country code .then drop your phone number Then click next you can receive verification code  And complete your registration STEP 4 Setup your profile Next setup your profile and enter your name. Now ready your what's aap account

How to create Instagram account in mobile phone

 STEP 1 Go to  Or  Install Instagram aap  Step 2 Click sing up  Enter your Name and date of birth STEP 3 Enter your email address or mobile phone number Step 4 Instagram send you verification code for verifying your account Next what you want like in Instagram .you can follow   Now your Instagram account is ready for use

How to create Twitter account in mobile phone

 Step 1 Go to  STEP 2 Click sing up. Enter your Name  Date of birth And Gmail address or mobile phone number STEP 3 YOU get verification code STEP 4 Your Twitter account is ready  What you want see in your Twitter can follow that ads.and stories.

How to create Facebook account in mobile phone

 STEP 1  Go to and click create new account STEP 2 Enter your Name ..Gmail address or mobile phone number. And  password. Date of birth.and gender  STEP 3 Click sing up STEP 4 To finish create your Facebook account . You need confirm Gmail address or mobile phone number. Get verification code in your mobile number or Gmail address. Now your Facebook account is ready for use.

How to create Gmail account in mobile phone

  STEP 1 Go to STEP 2 Personal details: Fill in with your personal your name and surname. What you want your Gmail name. And passwords. STEP 3 Enter your phone number for verification Google sent a verification code your phone number. Copy and past that number in your Gmail .and verify your account STEP 4 Date of birth Enter your other information like date of birth and gender.and click next  STEP 5 Google term and condition:  Agree Google term and condition Now your Gmail account is ready..

How to create YouTube channel

Open youtube Click this button Create channel name You can see now your channel Next  edit your channel And upload videos and create videos  You can upload your pic.. You can write description And you can private or public  subscription and playlists As your wish